Greetings from puppy buyers
Rikke Thomsen and Alan Andersen, owners of Lukas & Rasmus

Lukas and RasmusThe best day in my life was when I got two small puppies at Kennel Sieger's in Viborg.
Starting at the beginning, was four years ago, my boyfriend Alan and I decided that now was the time for the long-desired dog. We looked at many sites and got us gradually aligned with that we would like a spaniel, but what and where? We knew that kennel Sieger's was breeder of English Springer Spaniels and there was a dog show nearby where they would be attending, so we packed the car and took to dog show in Herning.
I was sold! The dogs were beautiful, loving and incredibly confident, Jessie, Kaj and Vibe also won my heart immediately, the love they have for their dogs and breeding shining through in everything they said and did.
I was not one second in doubt, and I met here the best decision of my life, and was listed for a puppy in their upcomming litter!
Buying dog from kennel Sieger's is like getting a small part of them home with you, there has never been a vain phone call or an unanswered question I have never felt that a question was too small or large and we have been very happy for the advice and guidance we got when I picked up my 2 golden boys!
I am the happy owner of two English springer spaniel, is first-time dog owner and totally completely a spaniel girl - the loving trusting eyes, the spontaneous joy and funny ideas, the beautiful long ears and it truly amazing temperament has taken my breath away. They akes me smile and laugh. They make my life complete.
Thanks Jessie, Kaj and Vibe - you have created miracles in my life!
Rikke Thomsen
Merete Leth & Henrik Keller, owners of Chilli

Merete with Cilli's first litterWe should have a dog again, after our 15 year Jack Russell died.
We would like to have a family dog, one that is easy to work with and at the same time can be used for a little bird hunting.
We chose an English Springer Spaniel.
We wanted to be sure that it was in optimum condition and turned to Kennel Sieger to learn more about the dogs' nature etc.. We would like to hear it from an experienced breeder's own mouth. Jessie told honestly about what we could expect from an English Springer Spaniel - and how she was right.
The kennel had a month previously had a litter of puppies that we took over and visited. We would never buy a puppy at first sight. Such a big decision need futher visits and by the next visit, we were ready to buy.
Unfortunately, all puppies were sold.
Siegers-Make-My-Day was going to Finland. She was the one we were most excited about when we met all the puppies.
A month later called Jessie and told that they had a bitch! It was supposed to go to Finland, but when the buyer could not pick her up, we had to buy her!
And away we drove to Jutland. We got our Chili. And we have not regretted a single second.
Chili is a wonderful dog. Playful, docile, happy with children and loves hunting. In the spring she had 6 wonderful puppies with her "husband" Sieger's Pure Gold. They are all sold, but we keep contact with the buyers.
Jessie has been here maybe 8 times since we bought Chili and we have also met Jessie’s husband Kaj and their sweet daughter Vibe, at a few exhibitions around. A new friendship was born.
Chili could not be purchased with better advice and a better breeding, with what that entails her pedigree, certificates and declarations. She is a top dog who is envied by many of our friends - with their own dog ... of other breeds.
The family, Leth Keller
Jesper Petersen, owner of Sille & Magnus

Sille & MagnusIt is now many years since I first made contact with Jessie, Kaj and Vibe. When I had to buy a new dog, there was a wide range of conditions to be met - both in relation to race, but also in relation to the breeder.
I should have a dog that could be used for hunting and for show, but, most importantly, I should have a good family dog, who was mentally okay, typical for the breed and one which was healthy and with good temperament. The choice fell quickly to an English springer spaniel. This amazing noble and beautiful dog, seems to hold all the things that were and are so important in my family.
It did not take long for Sieger’s was selected among many. And a few months after contact was established, called Jessie with the good news that they had puppies. I wanted a bitch, and in consultation with Jessie and Kaj, we found the puppy that best seems to fit into my life. It's just a great quality when being purchased puppy, letting breeder advise about which of the puppies that best suited its future family. Here is Sieger’s highly professional, and therefore it was completely without concern that I was the chosen one lovely puppy home, 8 weeks after. Of course, Sieger’s, as a good breeder, expectations of repeated puppy visits, so that all parties are well acquainted with each other before you get your puppy home. Trust and confidence are just too keywords when being purchased puppy. Moreover, it is not just puppy and little food you get home with them. You get all the help you can imagine: grooming, feeding, display tips, etc. A dog life-long hotline!
Thus came Sieger’s Burning Fire with home and now, almost 12 years later, she is still fit for fight. Sille, as she is called, has largely visited the vet for annual vaccinations and health check. She has been shown with very good results. She has been involved in hunting, but she is first and foremost center for both friends of the house, the family and the dogs, which later came to the home.
Sille was the beginning of a good relationship with Sieger’s, so when I again had to have a puppy, it was obviously just letting myself write up on the always crowded puppies list. Another glorious puppy came to the family, lovely Lady, which developed into a real show prima donna, champion and mother of other Sieger’s puppies.
Latest addition to the family, the arrival of my lovely little Jack Russell terrier, Sieger’s Enjoy Living, or simply, Magnus. How it is with us dog people. You become "dependent" of man's best friend. And I am so also become "dependent" by Jessie, Kaj and Vibe. So I wonder if I acquire my dog number 4 from just Sieger’s? I'm convinced I will!...
Best regards,